Tuesday, May 14, 2013


Migration is under way .....
This Male Yellow Rump was the first species I spotted this Warbler migration season. They led the way this year. Even though the temperatures were in the thirties, these little hardy birds were in the migrant traps I frequent. Looking for what ever food they could find.  I saw several Butter Rumps at the Hartman Reserve April 22 on a cold mid mourning looking in craves of trees for insects.  When I can't see them, I listen for their soft little one note call they do in their small migration groups , to help  locate them. Although this beautiful marked bird it is a common Warbler  it is one of my favorites.

I also seen a lot of Ruby Crowned Kinglets.
They were Very active our smallest little
bird  looking for food.
 They were close  to  the ground this cold mid mourning, they didn't mind my presence. If I stayed still I could get a couple of feet away. They were fun to watch, as there little Ruby crowns would shine like a jewel when the sun showed briefly on this cold April day.

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